Menorah Primary Schools Federation

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This page gives you access to the curriculum map per year group for both secular and Jewish Studies  


At MPS Boys and MPS Girls we pride ourselves on the quality of teaching and learning that all children receive across the curriculum.  We follow the New National Curriculum which sets out what children should be taught and what they should be able to achieve at each stage of their education. 

We recognise the importance of making learning meaningful and memorable and we involve children in their own learning by setting them challenging targets and encouraging them to be independent learners. This in turn, impacts directly on each child’s development and increases self-esteem and confidence for all pupils.

We follow the New National Curriculum which sets out what children should be taught and what they should be able to achieve at each stage of their education. 

Teachers use a wide range of teaching styles and strategies depending on the activity and lesson objectives. Children are encouraged to work in groups or as individuals and to share their achievements and discoveries with their peers.

We recognise the need for a broad and balanced curriculum.  We provide this in variety of ways:-

  • Literacy & Numeracy as set out by The National Curriculum.
  • We use a combination of different reading schemes in KS1. These include Ginn, Oxford Reading Tree and Collins Big Cat.
  • The phonics scheme follows the National Curriculum “Letter & Sounds” through phase 1 to phase 6. Phases 1,2,3 & 4 are completed in EYFS, phases 4 & 5 in Year 1 and phase 6 in Year 2.
  • In addition we use Jolly Phonics to enhance progress in reading.
  • Weekly timetabled teaching of foundation subjects.
  • Cross curricular learning to consolidate different areas of the curriculum.
  • Themed curriculum days / weeks.


 Long Term Plans

Skills overview




Click these links to see Curriculum Maps for each year group:  


We vary our curriculum content to meet the needs of all groups of pupils in line with the Equality Act of 2010. Lessons are differentiated in order to make the curriculum accessible to those who have disabilities or special educational needs. In addition we provide other opportunities for children so that they have access to abroad and balanced programme.

We provide:-

  • A programme of extended provision including sports
  • Music and the Performing Arts
  • Environmental projects
  • Partnership with other schools
  • Attachment to a school designated for Business Enterprise

There is also a comprehensive programme of Jewish Studies, which integrates many aspects of the national curriculum as well as Moral, Social and Personal Education. 

The Jewish Studies Curriculum, (Kodesh) is designed to give our pupils the skills, knowledge and commitment to lead a life of Ahavas Torah and informed observance of Orthodox Judaism.  It is continuously monitored and refined to ensure that there is coordinated progression and coverage as well as extension and full accessibility to all children of all abilities. 

“Pupils’ behaviour and attitude towards learning is outstanding. They are extremely proud of their school, and visibly enjoy their lessons.” Section 48 Inspection Report, May 2017. 

To see more details about what we teach in Kodesh lessons please see Kodesh Curriculum 2022

